Baisakhi Celebration:

– A special assembly was organized for celebrating Baisakhi on April 13, where children conveyed the significance of the harvest 

festival and how this special day portrays the unanimity of harvesters in Punjab.Children set the stage ablaze with vigour, clad in traditional attire and putting forth a foot-tapping performance with rhythmic feet. As a part of Craft activities, children created bright yellow and green corn-cobs and took the same as take-aways to share the spirit of festivity with parents.

Cherry Blossom:

Theme Red’ – At Inspire, we believe that exploration is key to children’s learning. To get their hands on identifying and using colours in everyday routine, Cherry blossom Red was celebrated in April with a plethora of fun activities. The children dressed up in the colour of the day attire and the school compound seemed immersed in the colour fervor with related objects, cut-outs, toys and display boards. Children learnt throughcolour-specific activities and created little craft specimens reflecting the pneuma of learning by doing!


– ‘Drop Everything and Read Day’ was celebrated to reinforce the importance of reading to children. At Inspire, it is our constant endeav our to create avid readers as we believe that reading helps children to acquire essential skills like imagination, critical thinking, perception-building and creativity. On the occasion of DEAR Day, students participated in reading and discussion of news-reports.Children chose stories to create book-jackets and made information-reports on their favourite authors. Working in groups, children created their

 ‘Element of story’ wands and discussed their favourite characters from different stories. It was a day dedicated to learning through the world of compelling books and reads! What an Eventful Day!

International Earth Day Celebration:

– 22 April, was celebrated as ‘International Earth Day’ at Inspire, where children took over the pledge of acting as crusaders of Mother Earth. An Earth Day week was observed from April 16-22, packed with activities to sensitize children towards the cause of saving Mother Earth, an absolute need of the hour. Children examined topics like the life-cycle of a plastic bottle, Green Energy, 3 R’s, abuse of water-resources and created 3-D modals for the same. Children tried their hands on best out of waste creating useful articles reinforcing reducing, reusing and recycling. All student work was put up as an exhibition for the whole school to view and appreciate collaborative efforts of students. An E-Exhibition was created for the same to present the learning journey of the children to the parents. The Earth Day Celebration every year underlines the rationale of everyone joining hands to the cause of safeguarding Mother Earth, not just through words but by proactive action and belief. At Inspire, we pledge to!

Easter Celebration:

– In order to help the children to understand global communities as part of the international curriculum, Easter was celebrated in school on April 15 with utmost zeal. Children were curious to explore the significance of the festival which symbolizes hope and renewal in life. Wearing Easter-bunny head-gears, children hopped and danced to collect Easter-eggs in their baskets. A giant craft Easter-egg was designed by the children using strokes of colourful hand-impressions and finger painting. The celebration helped children attain international mindedness and respect for a culture other than their own, thus bringing about an understanding of global community celebrations. Happy Easter Everyone!

The session at INSPIRE commenced with the first incredible IEYC unit of work:

 Best International Primary School in West Delhi: Admissions Open Now for pre nursery, a school where learning is joyful and teaching a pleasure.

– ‘Once upon a time’ for the months of April and May. Based on the

theme of stories, the unit was set to trigger the learner’s imagination, helping them identify elements of a story in a fun and engaging way. A unique setting was placed for each story for the children to build curiosity and capture them into the spree of learning. Wearing ‘Hare and Tortoise head-gears, in a fun way, children participated in races; tried a tug of war as they pulled out ‘The Enormous Turnip’; balanced on and climbed bridges like the ‘Three Billy Goats’ which led to experiential and permanent learning. With each successive story, the central theme was integrated with different subject areas. A unique ‘Old Man’s vegetable Mart’ was set-up to help children learn about different vegetables, how to weigh them and understand as to how they are sold in a market. Story- associated vocabulary was introduced to the children as they progressed from one story to the other to enhance language development. With IEYC, the central focus is on the learner and the entire process takes into account how children learn best through experiences and exploration through play, the IEYC way!

Mother’s Day:

Paying an ode to their lovely mothers, children celebrated Mother’s Day on 8 May , A special assembly was organized where children presented their gratitude towards their moms through a musical tribute, dancing in tandem to the beat of ‘My Momma is awesome!’ Children prepared heart-warming cards and thank-you notes for their mothers to surprise them on this special day. The day was a perfect reminder to value the unconditional love of each mother and how they make their children’s world a beautiful place!

Van Mahotasava  Week:

 Best International Primary School in West Delhi: Admissions Open Now for pre nursery, a school where learning is joyful and teaching a pleasure. Best International Primary School in West Delhi: Admissions Open Now for pre nursery, a school where learning is joyful and teaching a pleasure. Best International Primary School in West Delhi: Admissions Open Now for pre nursery, a school where learning is joyful and teaching a pleasure.

An entire week from July1-July 7 was dedicated in educating children about the significance of growing and planting trees. As champions of change, children were sensitised about how the green cover of the planet is reducing and it is time to act now. Students from Grade Nursery and Prep tied friendship bands to trees, befriending them. First and second graders were encouraged to hug trees and adopt a plant, nurturing it with each passing day. While children from Grade 3 prepared leaves with paper-folding and wrote little messages as ‘leafy good reads’, the fourth graders tried hands on dry leaf art with messages for the readers. Children from Grade 5 created an awareness wall on ‘Chipko movement’ with slogans and pictures. As India celebrated the Van Mahotsava week, our wonderous children from Inspire pledged to carry the cause forward through thought and action. Awesome Learning!